De bons voisins à la rescousse ! July 16, 2024, 12:56 p.m.
Vous êtes vous déjà retrouvé à court de lait par exemple, et l’un de vos voisins vous a gentiment dépanné ? C’est cette notion de bienveillance qui nous a inspiré le partage de données au sein de la communauté Fizz. 
Et pourquoi je donnerais des données à un inconnu? July 16, 2024, 12:51 p.m.
Parce que ça fait du bien d’aider les autres. Parce que parfois, un membre qui n’a plus de données en demande à notre communauté. Ou parce que l’ami d’un ami demande des données sur les réseaux sociaux et que vous avez le cœur sur la main. Dans ce cas, cherchez simplement cette personne par son prénom ou son numéro de téléphone et envoyez-lui vos données.
IoT automobile pour des véhicules plus intelligents et une fabrication automobile optimisée July 11, 2024, 2:40 p.m.
Avec l'IoT automobile, les véhicules deviennent des machines intelligentes, capables de collecter et d'analyser de grandes quantités de données provenant de diverses sources, telles que des capteurs embarqués, des données de trafic externes et même des modèles de comportement des conducteurs. Ces données peuvent être utilisées pour fournir des informations en temps réel, des alertes de maintenance prédictive et des services personnalisés adaptés aux besoins individuels.
A New Classification of Clustering-based for Different Problems in Different Wireless Ad-hoc Networks July 6, 2024, 9:22 a.m.
Ad-hoc networks are specifically designed to facilitate communication in environments where establishing a dedicated network infrastructure is exceedingly complex or impractical. The integration of clustering concepts into various ad-hoc network scenarios, including Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET), Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET), Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTN), Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (WANET), Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks (UAV), commonly known as "drones," Space Networks (SN), and Satellite Networks (TN), presents abundant opportunities for refining strategies in event tracking and area monitoring across both deterministic and uncertain environments. This paper conducts a comparative analysis of diverse proposed strategies leveraging clustering concepts to address coverage challenges within deterministic and uncertain environments. As a result, it addresses current and future challenges inherent in clustering-based WANET, elucidating the merits, shortcomings, and weaknesses of clustering models. Lastly, it identifies potential avenues for addressing coverage issues in existing and emerging technologies.
Objets connectés : les premiers satellites de la constellation française Kinéis sont en orbite June 25, 2024, 5:40 a.m.
Les cinq premiers nanosatellites de la constellation Kinéis dédiée aux objets connectés ont été mis jeudi sur orbite avec succès par la petite fusée Electron, six ans après la création de la start-up française. Le minilanceur de Rocket Lab, dont c'était le 50e vol, a comme prévu décollé de son pas de tir en Nouvelle-Zélande jeudi à 6H13 en Nouvelle-Zélande). Un peu plus d'une heure plus tard, les cinq nanosatellites de 30 kg et d'une durée de vie de huit ans étaient déployés à 635 kilomètres d'altitude.
Countering enemy EW to improve comms: Creomagic Cognitive SDR latest developments June 16, 2024, 3:44 p.m.
The networked battlefield requires the capacity to transfer critical data and video in the field necessitates network scaling, security and data rates, all this in an often EW contrasted scenario. Creomagic developed an AI-based technology adding machine learning capabilities to its products, which continuously analyse the electromagnetic spectrum and environment in real time, detecting and identifying potential threats and interference. Based on those data the CreoNet automatically parameters by switching to alternative frequencies, modulation techniques or waveforms. This mitigates the effects of those factors on communication performance, ensuring connectivity continuity and reliability across the network adjusting parameters and choosing the best frequency.
Why do OTA updates matter in IoT? June 16, 2024, 2:59 p.m.
OTA updates are a crucial aspect of IoT (Internet of Things) devices, allowing you to remotely update the firmware or software of your connected devices without the need for physical access. This technology is a game-changer for both makers and businesses because it offers seamless maintenance, enhanced security, and improved user experience.
Open Garden makes its offline mesh networking tech available to third-party developers June 12, 2024, 6:55 a.m.
Open Garden, the company behind the FireChat offline messenger, is now the mesh networking tech behind its apps available for all developers. The company today announced the launch of its MeshKit SDK, which enables developers to easily integrate peer-to-peer connectivity into their apps, at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The classic use case for this is chat apps, but it also works for more media-rich services or pushing even smaller updates like sports results.
Internet par satellite : comparatif des abonnements en 2024 June 12, 2024, 6:53 a.m.
Au 12 juin 2024, il est possible d'avoir une connexion internet par satellite dès 34,90€/mois avec l'Offre satellite Neosat Vital. Si votre connexion ADSL est trop lente et n’avez pas encore accès à la fibre, l’Internet par satellite constitue une alternative intéressante pour disposer d’un Internet rapide, quel que soit le lieu de votre domicile ! Découvrez dans notre guide le comparatif des meilleures offres internet satellite !
Instabridge Promotion Code: 20% Discount on eSIMs for Many Countries Worldwide (e.g. 30 Days, 10 GB USA for $11) » June 12, 2024, 6:38 a.m.
Instabridge offers the best available price for numerous countries in packages of 1 GB for 7 days, 3 GB for 15 days and 10 GB for 30 days. In our eSIM comparison, Instabridge offers the best 1 GB / 7 days plans for Canada, South Africa and Turkey. In other countries, they are only beaten by mere cents or because other providers offer longer durations.
LibreMesh June 11, 2024, 3:15 p.m.
LibreMesh is a modular framework for creating OpenWrt-based firmwares for wireless mesh nodes. Several communities around the world use LibreMesh as the foundation of their local mesh firmwares. The LibreMesh project includes the development of several tools. The firmware (the main piece) allow simple deployment of auto-configurable, yet versatile, multi-radio mesh networks.
Mesh Potato - Village Telco June 11, 2024, 2:43 p.m.
The Mesh Potato is a device for providing low-cost telephony and Internet in areas where alternative access either doesn’t exist or is too expensive. It is a marriage of a low-cost wireless access point (AP) capable of running a mesh networking protocol with an Analog Telephony Adapter (ATA).
The Mesh Potato June 11, 2024, 2:43 p.m.
The Mesh Potato is an 802.11bg mesh router with a single FXS port (Figure 1). Adjacent Mesh Potatoes automatically form a peer-to-peer network, relaying telephone calls without landlines or cell-phone towers. The Mesh Potato hardware and software is open. The power, Ethernet and FXS ports are robust to developing-world conditions like static, lightning, bad power and accidental abuse. The Mesh Potato comes in a weatherproof box for outdoor mounting and costs about the same as any other Wi-Fi router (less than $100).
Point d'accès WiFi mondial Skyroam June 10, 2024, 4:56 p.m.
Skyroam Global WiFi Hotspot vous permet de rester connecté sans vous soucier des frais d'itinérance, des connexions non sécurisées ou des paramètres SIM.
InstaBridge : l'internet pour tous June 10, 2024, 4:42 p.m.
Avec Pay as you go, vous conservez vos données pour toujours. Conservez vos données au-delà des frontières et connectez-vous instantanément. Nous convertissons automatiquement vos données en fonction des tarifs en vigueur dans le nouveau pays.
WiFi Map - Blog Article June 10, 2024, 4:35 p.m.
The internet is an incredible resource. It’s become an integral part of our daily lives and changed the ways in which we interact with the world around us. Everyone should have access to the full potential of the internet whenever they need it. WiFi hotspots have the potential to achieve just that, but many are hard to find or locked behind a secure password. The WiFi Map app is here to change that.
Anywhere Technology June 10, 2024, 3:55 p.m.
Anywhere Networks is a leading wireless mesh technology company offering flexible and expandable network solutions for high bandwidth applications. Our products are the key enabler for extending network reach, multiplying network capacities, and add-in redundancy measures in large scale critical infrastructures seen in large-scale enterprises, smart cities, and mulcipalities around the world.
Monetize Your Unused Internet: Top 10 Apps to Sell Your Bandwidth and Earn Extra Cash June 10, 2024, 12:56 p.m.
The concept of selling unused internet bandwidth is gaining popularity in the tech industry, allowing internet users to earn money by selling their excess bandwidth to those in need. Essentially, it provides a means for people to monetize their internet connection while contributing to the growing demand for internet access.
How to sell gigabytes to people who’ve never heard of them June 10, 2024, 12:49 p.m.
Airtel, one of the world’s largest mobile networks, today announced a new way for its subscribers to get online in the 17 African countries in which it operates. Called Opera Web Pass, the service may not seem very radical: A user starts up the Opera Mini web browser in her phone and chooses from a list of subscriptions. But instead of picking how many gigabytes of data to buy, her options include a two-hour internet connection, or access just to Facebook.