Think Beeyond.
There is no box
A consulting company in the field of disruptive innovation.
From blank page to the first Euro.
Who we are and what we do
Not all business models are created equal..
Our motto
Intensity of disruption and time-to-market are two different things: we target innovations with short return, low investments and high margin.
Business model innovation
Not all businesses are created equal: reviving growth often means accepting to change business model. We are equilibrists in business model innovation.
Where to start?
How much do you know of the high level trends of your own industry? Of adjacent industries? Let us feed you with digests on this.
Where to land?
Our metrics is your growth: in the form of a new product or service in your portfolio, of an acquisition target or of a startup, we are with you top witness success.
Who is consulting us?
Academic institutions, established companies and startups, in search for growth via fast track innovation.
Who we are and what we do
Not all business models are created equal..
Our Products
Not all business models are created equal..

Quis assumenda dicta cupiditate eligendi sequi ut beatae optio dolor sunt ea voluptatum est.

Hack:pack is an ai mobile scanner to create rapid prototypes of object-triggered animations for a/b testing with target populations.

Quis assumenda dicta cupiditate eligendi sequi ut beatae optio dolor sunt ea voluptatum est.

Quis assumenda dicta cupiditate eligendi sequi ut beatae optio dolor sunt ea voluptatum est.
Do you know the hidden trends and small signals of your industry? Think again...
We have designed a tool to scan the web and give you a bi-weekly digest of key articles linked to your interests, and help you identify trends and gold nuggets before anyone else! We have a list of public topics you can review for free. But you can also design your own topic, and make it a bi-weekly digest to feed the creativity of your Team (ideal to prepare a hackathon!). Select your best plan!
Ideation process
We can establish all or part of a 4-month stage-gate process that will drive you from « hunting fields » (stage 1) to the creation of
new ideas (stage 2), that are filtered into embryos of new business opportunities (stage 3).

An ideation process based on blue ocean strategy:
The « hunting field » of the BOS initiative can be the result of high level trending, or Company Vision or target market Crowd + online based initiative, involves between 20 and 200 people. ca. 4 months to generate 200 ideas,funneling down to ca. 10-15 concepts Governance agreed with customer.
Excubation process
Some of your new ideas are too good to be dropped, yet too disruptive to be arbitrated against core business projects?
Startup creation can be a very powerful tool to bring the outside in!

An excubation process based on years of experience
Disruptive ideas have a better survival rate as spin-offs, especially when they leverage your company assets: they provide rapid returns with high margins. We can drive you through the process of creating startup companies from your assets, and lead them to external funding.
Why business model innovation
Not all business models are created equal..

An ideation process based on blue ocean strategy:
The business model of an innovation is not a business plan, nor a business case:
it is the detailed answer – with words – to the question: « Who pays? And why? ».
The « why » is systematically the most difficult part. And « why not » usually not an acceptable answer.
The graphic on the left shows that companies which have similar
business models tend to « cluster » into rather narrow distributions in terms of EBITDA and speed of return on investment.
If your Company has ambitions for rapid and non-dilutive
growth beyond its industry standard, then it must have ambitions for new business models: new types of clients, or new way to generate revenue,
or both.
Not all business models are created equal: the good news is that the type of growth can be selected first, as per the company’s vision!
The rest can be systematized, leveraging Blue Ocean Strategy.