L’anthroposophie, discrète multinationale de l’ésotérisme www.monde-diplomatique.fr Dec. 18, 2024, 12:54 p.m.
Quoi de commun entre l’agriculture biodynamique, une école à la pédagogie atypique, une grande entreprise de cosmétiques, un investissement dans une ferme éolienne ? Tous sont liés à l’anthroposophie, un courant spirituel fondé au début du XXe siècle par Rudolf Steiner. Discret mais influent, ce mouvement international dispose de relais économiques et politiques… jusqu’au sein du gouvernement français.
Appel au boycott de Weleda et Dr Hauschka : pourquoi l'anthroposophie dérange www.dna.fr Dec. 18, 2024, 12:54 p.m.
De nombreux sites et influenceurs sur Instagram et YouTube déclarent sur les réseaux sociaux faire le boycott des marques Weleda et Dr Hauschka. La raison ? L'anthroposophie. On vous explique.
Coca-Cola revises sustainability goals: lower ambitions and extended deadlines explained packagingeurope.com Dec. 12, 2024, 5:05 p.m.
The Coca-Cola Company has lowered the ambition of its voluntary environmental goals. Having extended its timeframe to 2035, it now aspires to achieve 40% recyclate in its primary packaging and collect 75% of the bottles and cans it markets, among other targets.
Scrona to demonstrate 128-nozzle Printhead for Semiconductor Advanced Packaging, Display Manufacturing and Consumer Electronics at CES 2025 www.prnewswire.com Dec. 12, 2024, 2:34 p.m.
Scrona's groundbreaking printing technology is set to transform the display industry with its unparalleled precision in material dispensing. It enables high-resolution application of quantum dots onto the smallest micro-LED pixels, making it possible to create vibrant, energy-efficient next-generation displays.
Display Industry Milestones: China To Lead In Both LCD And OLED Capacity – displaydaily.com Dec. 12, 2024, 2:33 p.m.
As the production capacities of Japan, South Korea, and ATiawan decrease in absolute terms, China continues to rise in dominance.
Apple veut déployer ses premiers modems 5G dans ses iPhone dès 2025 www.usine-digitale.fr Dec. 10, 2024, 1:52 p.m.
Le groupe à la pomme souhaite s’émanciper des puces réseau de Qualcomm. Il espère combler l'écart de performance d'ici à 2026, puis passer devant l'année suivante.
Nanoscribe Finds a New Home with LAB14 After Being Sold by BICO 3dprint.com Dec. 10, 2024, 3:24 a.m.
Nanoscribe has officially become part of the LAB14 Group after being sold by BICO for €26 million. This sale was part of BICO’s strategic plan to focus on life sciences, leaving Nanoscribe to find a better fit under LAB14’s expertise in micro- and nanotechnology. As part of LAB14, Nanoscribe is getting ready to expand its industrial and academic market presence.
Mapping the Semiconductor Supply Chain: The Critical Role of the Indo-Pacific Region www.csis.org Dec. 9, 2024, 2:59 p.m.
The semiconductor industry and its supply chain increasingly rival oil and gas in terms of their importance to international relations, the attention they receive from senior leaders in government and business, and their use as a tool of foreign policy. Across a diverse range of global opportunities and geopolitical challenges, the semiconductor industry supply chain is increasingly at the center of the story. While the semiconductor industry is truly global, the Indo-Pacific is its critical region. Taiwan, Japan, China, and South Korea all play pivotal roles in the Indo-Pacific and particularly the global semiconductor landscape.
La Chine marque un tournant historique avec ce premier tokamak supraconducteur haute température au monde - Innovant www.innovant.fr Dec. 7, 2024, 2:45 p.m.
La Chine dévoile le premier tokamak supraconducteur à haute température, marquant une avancée majeure vers l’énergie propre. La fusion nucléaire offre une énergie quatre fois plus puissante que la fission, avec des déchets réduits. Le tokamak HH70 utilise des supraconducteurs à haute température, rendant les réacteurs de fusion plus efficaces et abordables. Energy Singularity vise un facteur Q de 10 pour rendre l’énergie de fusion commercialement viable d’ici 2030.
The Race for Nuclear Fusion Energy, the Clean Fuel of the Future: Will China Eat America's Lunch? www.gatestoneinstitute.org Dec. 7, 2024, 2:42 p.m.
The clean energy breakthrough everyone has been wishing for finally is here! It may not be quite ready for prime time, but a quiet nuclear-fusion energy race is underway and cannot come soon enough. The problem is that China seems to be winning it, not the United States or the West.
Tokamak Energy gets US, UK backing for $52M fusion reactor upgrade thenextweb.com Dec. 7, 2024, 2:40 p.m.
In 2022, the ST40 became the first privately owned fusion reactor to reach 100 million °C — six times as hot as the core of our closest star. The machine is under constant development as Tokamak Energy races to build something commercially viable.  This latest upgrade includes coating the inside of the ST40 with lithium. Research suggests the element can help the walls of fusion reactors better withstand extreme temperatures. But the new project is not just a fusion reactor makeover. “It represents a huge leverage opportunity for advancing fusion science and technology as a whole,” said the DOE’s Dr Geraldine Richmond.  Under the agreement, researchers at universities and national laboratories in both countries will also be able to benefit from the research carried out at the ST40 tokamak. The project is slated to commence next year. The $52mn in funding will be divided equally among all three partners.
Challenges for the human immune system after leaving Earth www.nature.com Dec. 7, 2024, 2:31 p.m.
The evolutionary potential of the human immune system in space deals with many (yet unknown) obstacles. Such challenges include different pathogenic potential in microorganisms, altered immune response, low genetic variability, and large immune variability due to small population sizes to name a few. Reflecting on the evolutionary journey of immunity to a future in outer space reveals a crucial insight: the intricate and multifaceted actions and interactions within innate and adaptive immunity stem from a rigorous and enduring process of selection and deselection as described.
Coopétition en action : Burger King et KFC s’associent pour innover www.economiematin.fr Dec. 7, 2024, 12:47 p.m.
Dans l’univers ultra-compétitif de la restauration rapide, où chaque enseigne rivalise pour capter l’attention et l’appétit des consommateurs, l’idée d’une alliance stratégique entre deux géants tels que Burger King et KFC semble relever de la fiction. Pourtant, cette improbabilité ouvre une opportunité unique : transformer une rivalité en une collaboration inédite. Grâce à une stratégie de coopétition savant mélange de coopération et de concurrence, ces deux marques emblématiques peuvent non seulement créer du buzz, mais également redéfinir les règles du jeu dans leur secteur.
Non-Woven Stent Coating Technology – No Future for the Suture? www.electrospinning.co.uk Dec. 7, 2024, 6:42 a.m.
We developed a novel process to coat expandable coronary stents, producing a sutureless coating that expanded by 150% without tearing or delaminating. Tensile testing the coating material showed that the polymer maintains complete mechanical integrity in fibrous form following maximal expansion.
The Preparation of Biomass-Derived Carbon Dots and Its Application Prospect in the Field of Vascular Stent Coating www.mdpi.com Dec. 7, 2024, 6:37 a.m.
By exploring new biomass sources and improving the preparation process or surface modification, B-CDs can be made to have anti-inflammatory, endothelialization-promoting, anticoagulation, and fluorescence imaging properties, which will play an important role in the application of vascular stents. Although B-CDs show extraordinary potential in the coating of vascular stents, there may be some challenges in practical applications, such as ensuring coating uniformity, long-term stability, and the feasibility of large-scale production.
Virtual lab powered by ‘AI scientists’ super-charges biomedical research www.nature.com Dec. 7, 2024, 5:59 a.m.
In an effort to automate scientific discovery using artificial intelligence (AI), researchers have created a virtual laboratory that combines several ‘AI scientists’ — large language models with defined scientific roles — that can collaborate to achieve goals set by human researchers. The system, described in a preprint posted on bioRxiv last month1, was able to design antibody fragments called nanobodies that can bind to the virus that causes COVID-19, proposing nearly 100 of these structures in a fraction of the time it would take an all-human research group.
Sallea imprime en 3D des structures comestibles pour favoriser l'agriculture cellulaire www.3dnatives.com Dec. 4, 2024, 3:22 p.m.
Manger régulièrement de la viande et du poisson a des conséquences écologiques importantes. Les monocultures, la surpêche et l’élevage intensif n’en sont que quelques-unes. Pour y remédier, nous avons pu observer quelques approches innovantes au cours de la dernière décennie, par exemple la viande cultivée, de plus en plus souvent issue d’une imprimante 3D. L’agriculture cellulaire constitue une alternative à l’élevage et peut réduire les émissions de 90 % par rapport à la production de viande bovine. La tendance à ce type d’agriculture est en hausse et la popularité des produits de viande et de poisson cultivés ne cesse de croître. Soutenir les producteurs de ce type d’aliments est l’objectif de sallea. La startup, fondée en novembre 2023, a développé d’échaffaudages innovants imprimés en 3D qui constituent la base de la culture de produits à base de viande et de poisson de n’importe quelle forme et au profil nutritionnel spécifique. De cette manière, il est possible de créer des produits durables sans souffrance animale.
Cette société australienne a créé un foie gras sans gavage animal cultivé en laboratoire creapills.com Dec. 2, 2024, 11:25 a.m.
Le foie gras, souvent perçu comme le summum de la gastronomie, a toujours été au cœur de nombreuses controverses éthiques. Mais une entreprise australienne de food tech, Vow, réinvente cette délicatesse controversée. Voici Forged Gras : une version de foie gras cultivée en laboratoire qui offre toute la richesse et la douceur du produit traditionnel.
32 villes françaises remplacent leurs panneaux de pub par des œuvres d’art célèbres creapills.com Dec. 2, 2024, 11:24 a.m.
C’est une initiative qui illumine les cœurs et transforme le quotidien : « La Beauté Sauvera Le Monde », un projet culturel unique qui s’empare des rues de France pour y exposer des œuvres d’art monumentales. Portée par une trentaine de collectivités, cette opération nationale invite les habitants à redécouvrir l’art dans leur espace public, hors des musées et des galeries.
The Display Industry Rebound: $7.3 Billion in Equipment Spending Projected for 2024 displaydaily.com Nov. 27, 2024, 6:50 p.m.
DSCC reports the display equipment industry is poised for significant growth in 2024, with spending expected to increase by 47% to reach $7.3 billion. This rebound comes after a sluggish 2023, where both LCD and OLED sectors faced downturns due to weak market conditions, oversupply, and reduced demand following the COVID-19 pandemic. Improved market conditions have led to a resurgence in LCD fab spending, projected to grow by 95% and capture a 54% share of the total display equipment expenditure.