The Circulating Biomarkers League: Combining miRNAs with Cell-Free DNAs and Proteins
March 18, 2024, 8:18 a.m.
The potential of liquid biopsy for the prognosis and diagnosis of diseases is unquestionable. Within the evolving landscape of disease diagnostics and personalized medicine, circulating microRNAs (c-miRNAs) stand out among the biomarkers found in blood circulation and other biological fluids due to their stability, specificity, and non-invasive detection in biofluids. However, the complexity of human diseases and the limitations inherent in single-marker diagnostics highlight the need for a more integrative approach. It has been recently suggested that a multi-analyte approach offers advantages over the single-analyte approach in the prognosis and diagnosis of diseases. In this review, we explore the potential of combining three well-studied classes of biomarkers found in blood circulation and other biofluids—miRNAs, DNAs, and proteins—to enhance the accuracy and efficacy of disease detection and monitoring. Initially, we provide an overview of each biomarker class and discuss their main advantages and disadvantages highlighting the superiority of c-miRNAs over the other classes of biomarkers.